He pled guilty to second-degree killing and was imprisoned in state prison. He finally admitted that the dog-and-devil story was a fabrication story, and normal people do not deserve to meet his god. The Son Of The Sam case was closed until David revealed something very disturbing.

The Son Of Sam Declares He Has Brothers Too

In further police inquiries, Berkowitz was also involved in many unsolved arsons in the city. Exceptional coverage of the case by the media lent a kind of stardom status to Berkowitz, which he looked to enjoy, as noted by some observers. During the mid-1990s, he changed his confession to claim that he had been a part of a violent Satanic cult that organized the incidents as ritual murder. A few law implementation authorities have said that his claims might be reliable, but he remains the only person ever charged with the shootings. A new investigation of the murders began in 1996 but was refused indefinitely after inconclusive findings.

Why Did The Investigation Come To An End

In 1996 a new investigation was initiated to find the members of the cult. As David said, it was a Ritual that included blood sacrifice, which meant more bloodshed. However, no such cult was found. The head detective of the case was Maury Terry. Terry had to go on a sabbatical and needed therapy to get over the thoughts of these cults and ugly sacrifices. Terry wanted to investigate this cult further; But he had to stop the investigation because it led him to dead ends. And dead ends are the dawn for psychopaths. Terry was convinced that all the seven murders were not the deed of David. Terry was desperate to find this cult and end it. He was often told that he was chasing a ghost; However, he was sure that it’s just a bunch of psychopaths. Who is trying to outsmart the law.

How To Watch The Sons Of The Sam: A Descent Into Darkness Online?

You can watch  The Sons Of The Sam: A Descent Into Darkness episodes online on Netflix, as all the episodes will be released altogether on May 5, 2021. The director of the series Joshua Zeman was chasing this story for 10 years. He nearly gave up on the story, but then he sat down with police officers and detectives who told them to meet the head investigator of the case, Terry. Before reaching out to Terry, he read his book addressing the topic named The Ultimate Evil. After reading the book, Zeman was convinced that The Sons Of Sam was the next project he wants to work on. He said every word in the scared every inch of his body, but he knew he wanted to do it. So, every day he used to have lunch with Terry. He said they used to discuss every detail of the case, and at times Terry used to get panic attacks in the process. He also said such sacrifices are made until made, so it is very important to keep themselves safe. Zeman made a statement that he feels scared every day that he might be the next to be sacrificed as he is in the process of intruding on their cult. But Terry died talking about this case.

A lot of others are still hooked to this one, and he can’t stop because he is scared. He even mentioned that he doesn’t want this project to consume him or define his career. He said he knows what these thrillers can do to a person. Michelle McNamara got consumed by her Golder State Killer. He also released that The Sons Of The Sam: A Descent Into Darkness will be releasing on Netflix on 5th May 2021. The series will have four episodes, and the world is expecting answers. 

From The Author Of The Ultimate Evil

Describing the amount of evil worship in the U.S. as a “truth almost too terrifying to contemplate,” freelance journalist Terry exposes an alleged national network of criminal cults such as the one he claims produced the Son of Sam murders. In this suspenseful, convoluted account of his examinations, including an examination of David Berkowitz. He explains that contrary to the police report of a sexual psychopath acting alone, the so-called Son of Sam followed orders of a satanic conspiracy. An off-shoot of the British Method cult associated with Scientology and the Manson “family” murders. Notes to the author from Berkowitz and prophecies the killer made to fellow inmates support many of Terry’s ideas that link New York occult crimes to others offered out in North Dakota; And California by well-financed covens often engaged in drugs, porn, and illegal weapons. The author connects several recent ritualistic deaths in the New York area to the evil subculture that. He believes, swings from coast to coast.

What Happened When The Sons Of The Sam Case Reopened?

Journalist John Hockenberry states that, even aside from the Satanic cult allegations, many leaders doubted the single-shooter theory, recording, “what most maximum don’t know about the Son of Sam case is that from the commencement, not everyone gained the idea that Berkowitz acted solely.”  John Santucci, Queens District Attorney at the time of the crimes, and police inspector Mike Novotny expressed their opinions that Berkowitz had accessories. NYPD officer Richard Johnson, included in the original investigations, has opined that incomplete discrepancies in statements from eyewitnesses and surviving sufferers indicate Berkowitz did not act alone: “Why are there three [suspect] cars, five separate [suspect] descriptions, different lengths, different shapes, different measurements of the perpetrator? Personage else was there.” Other counterparts have voiced their belief in the Satanic cult theory, including Donna Lauria’s father and Carl Denaro. He declared that “more than one person was required” but acknowledged he could not prove the cult theory. Denaro’s determination rests on his criticism of Berkowitz’s report to the police as “totally false.”

The Other Sons Have Risen To Serve Sam

 John Diel recollects that he materially bumped into Berkowitz outside the Wine Gallery restaurant. As he and Christine Freund went and walked to his car where the firing occurred, Berkowitz, in contrast, told police that he moved within a few feet of Diel and Freund quickly before they entered the car. Diel battles he and Freund transferred no one on their way to the car, and further that, the car’s position at the curb would have made it difficult for Berkowitz to have snuck upon them in the few minutes between their encounter outside the restaurant and the shooting at the car.  Diel thus reflects he was shot by someone other than Berkowitz. Hockenberry’s statement was broadcast by network news and given much exposure by Dteline NBC (2004). He presents another journalist, Maury Terry, who had begun examining the Son of Sam shootings before Berkowitz was arrested. Terry wrote a series of investigative articles in the Gannett newspapers in 1979, which claimed the official explanation of a lone gunman.

Devil Is The New God, Said, David

Vigorously rejected by police at the time, Terry’s articles were extensively read and discussed. They were later collected in book form as The Ultimate Evil (1987; expanded second edition 1999). Largely propelled by these reports of accessories and Satanic cult activity. Yonkers police opened the Son of Sam case in 1996, but no new charges were filed. Due to a lack of verdicts, the investigation was ultimately suspended but remains open. From prison, Berkowitz remains to assert and expand upon his claims of demonic possession. He declared in a series of nine videos in 2015 that the “voice” he understood was that of Samhain. A druid evil and the true origin of “Son of Sam.” He replied that it never was a dog. Saying that the media fabricated detail. He said the devil is the new God, and sacrifice will happen, and you can’t do anything to stop it.