Amahisa throws another one and Kominato sends it to the left field. Leadoff Kominato gets on base this may be the start of Seidou’s counterattack. Now batting on the 3rd Shirasu. Shirasu fails to connect twice and Amahisa notice that is going to be easier to target. For the third time, Amahisa outsmarts Shirasu, and now it’s 3 balls and now the count is 3-1 before the 5th pitch. The match continues below, let’s find out what happens.
Diamond no Ace Act II Chapter 238 Release Date and Recap
Diamond no Ace Act II Chapter 238 will be released on Thursday, 31 December 2020. New chapters of the manga are always released on Thursdays. Note that this Manga keeps on taking breaks due to some of the interruptions and its chapter gets delayed. You can also check the latest development on this link Diamond no Ace Act II Chapter 237. Take a look at the recap below.
Previously on Diamond no Ace Act II Chapter 237
People are wondering what is happening to Amahisa and the style of his play has changed. Amahisa throws a fastball again but it went too low missing the zone and now it’s four balls. The fans are praising Shirasu for giving Amahisa a walk on four balls and on the other side, they can’t believe that it is happening with Amahisa. Sankou’s coach thinks that it is still early in the game. It is no out with runners on the first and second and the Seidou’s cannon is up next. Miyuki Kazuya has stepped up to bat, this is going to be the showdown between Ace and Seidou’s 4th batter. It seems as if Sediou can produce better results in this opportunity. Miyuki decided that he has to send the balls to the right and advance the runner. He realizes that Amahisa throws the combination of curveball, cutter, and the slidder and they break towards left-handed batters. Seido’s opponents are warned to watch out for long hits while guarding the line closely. Amahisa and his teammate think that if Miyuki is aiming to the right they should go with a pitch sequence around the outside corner. Amahisa decided that he will find out when he fires the fastball.
The 4th Batter vs The Ace
Amahisa gets ready to pitch from the stretch and he is aiming to make a pitch after the walk. Amahisa fires a fast curved ball and becomes a swing and a miss. It was an inside break ball that fouled and Amahisa is not sure if Miyuki was targeting it or not. But he swung with a full swing and Amahisa notice that Miyuki made contact. Miyuki is sweating that he was almost caught as the ball was too close. Amahisa goes for a second pitch, which results in a fastball to the outside and he is attacking all the spots. Miyuki has the advantage of walking Amahisa if the count gets bad. Amahisa explains to his teammate what he was doing and he said that if he messes up he will take the responsibility for it. Miyuki decides that now it is time for him to strike since he can see an opening. Nanaka had a flashback when he training with Amahisa. He remembers how Amahisa used to mess and Amahisa telling him that he is always nervous. He feels scared before the game and that the same for both of them. The day before the SF Nanaka and Amahisa talk about how they are going to approach the match. They advise each other and how they must stay focused during the game. Amahisa said he is ready like never before and Nanaka tells him that he has finally become a proper member of the Sankou Team.
Pitcher’s Responsibility
Back to the present Nanaka realize that Amahisa is holding the power to guide the team to victory or loss for all of them. He also members that is normal to be scared and it is the responsibility of the pitcher to guide them to victory. Seidou is counting on Amahisa to snatch the victory to their home and he now feels that he is the member of the team. Amahisa is ready to go again and he also realizes that he has to shine or it is over for them. He now knows what it’s like to hold the responsibility of the whole team on his shoulders. He talks to himself that his first wish is to win and then fire another fastball. He wants to play again with his team at Koushien. Miyuki notices that here comes a powerful one and he connects as planed sending it to the right. Amahisa looks at the ball going to the right, wondering if the basemen are ready for it. We will find out next time who will win between the Ace and the 4th batter. The Semi-Finals still continues. You can read the latest chapters of Diamond no Ace Act II available in the Manga One magazine. Keep in mind that there is no official ways or websites where you can read Diamond no Ace manga. So you can support its creators by reading your manga from the magazine.