Crisis on Infinite Earths is going to return on January 14. The fourth part is going to be an episode of Arrow and the fifth will be an episode of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. The episodes will not air across consecutive nights, but instead, they will air back-to-back at 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. EST. The fans will no doubt be waiting for the long break to be over. So far there has been plenty of drama in the episodes and it has left the heroes in peril. The seven paragons who were destined to save the Multiverse ended up being saved by the Monitor, who sent them to the Vanishing Point, which is an area beyond time and space, but there weren’t just the original paragons. Lex Luther replaced Superman as the paragon of truth. Another reason for concern is that Oliver Queen is dead. When Mia, Diggle, and Sara went to get his soul, Oliver decided to go with The Spectre, who said that Oliver had a different destiny. The next parts of Crisis on Infinite Earths will reveal what exactly is Oliver’s destiny.