When is 1917 releasing for Blu-ray?

The movie won 3 Oscars which is extraordinary and now the released dates for Blu-ray and digital copies are confirmed to be 24 March 2020. The online versions had been released on 10 March. The Blu-ray and DVD versions will have some special features such as Sam Mendes’ discussion about his personal connection to World War 1. Fans will come to know the secret behind the one-shot 360-degree format. They will also talk about how important was the nomination if the Academy Award for them. Further, we will get to see many behind the scene stuff along with all the challenges they faced in recreating the history. The movie has already been announced as a success due to the way they depicted the third year of the war. Thousands of soldiers died and got trapped in trenches and the entire war environment has been portrayed magnificently. The actors have also performed extraordinarily and the movie is traced to the war step by step. No wonder it became one of the finest works in the careers of the cast and crew. Deakins along with Sam Mendes has created an impactful and intense tour through the hell if World War 1, which depicts the madness. After the release of the movie in theaters, now its time for them to watch it on digital versions who missed it on the theatres. The success of the movie ensures that they won’t regret buying the Blu-ray version. The trailer of the movie can be found below.